Opening up to spotting the signs and symbols is the first step in receiving the messages from the Universe. Today, I recall how one ordinary Thursday turned out to be a symbol-filled day.
Symbols through which the Universe communicates with us have always fascinated me. I enjoy researching the meaning behind my dreams and the dreams of those close to me. Having a good memory and vivid dreams helps to feed my obsession! I’m also fascinated by the numbers and try to decode the message of a particular combination of numbers popping everywhere.
Over the years, I’ve gotten quite proficient with spotting the symbols and more confident with their interpretation. Hardly an expert but an eager enthusiast for sure. Therefore, when an unusual symbol pops up on my path, I treat it as an opportunity to learn something new. Last Thursday, August 10th, was definitely one of those learning days.
That day, I woke up feeling emotionally spent after having a rather upsetting dream. I dreamt about people from my home town being in great distress and members of my family sick; there were quarrels and a lot of commotion. And if that wasn’t enough, that morning I also received an alarmingly sounded message from an old friend. Not wanting to carry that negative energy through my day, I extended my morning walk for a few minutes. (I have a habit of going for a walk before starting my work).
Spotting the Signs
At an early hour, with only a hint of the heat that was to affect us later, the world was a beautiful and peaceful place. Walking the streets of my quiet part of town I appreciated the colourful gardens and the big butterflies hovering above the flowers. There were many of them that morning, equally colourful as the flowers. While watching the butterflies gently flapping their wings, and feeling grateful for this sight, I could feel my mood lifting.
In mid-day, I took a break from my work to run some errands. I was at the store when my phone rang, so I stopped in an empty aisle to answer. I must have picked a really quiet aisle, because while I was chatting with the caller, a small mouse ran right in front of me. Then, it disappeared under the shelf. More surprised than scared – growing up in a small town surrounded by fields and farms I’m not afraid of mice – I returned to my conversation.
After hanging up, I checked for the aisle number (7). Then I tracked down one of the store’s assistants and told her about my encounter. She did not like the news, or mice in general. That’s an understatement, judging by her reaction. “It was just a mouse, nothing to be afraid of,” I reassured her. For me maybe, but she has been always terrified of mice. “They don’t bother me,” I said, “unlike a different animal I shall not name.”
The second part of the day went fast and it wasn’t until late when I had a chance to open the promising looking book. Reading outside on a nice summer evening is always a good idea, so I went to the park nearby. There was a strange looking shoelace on the still warm pavement, laying by the grass’ edge.
When I got closer, the shoelace begun to slither in a characteristic way that didn’t leave any doubts about its classification. Not a shoelace but the animal that shall not be named, and the very one that I’m absolutely terrified of. I must have broken a world record in high jumping from a resting point.
Researching the Meaning
Needless to say, I didn’t stay in the park that night. I came back and shared the “shoelace” encounter with my son, who found it hilarious. He asked if I screamed like the last time. Or the time before, when I not only screamed but also hid behind my mother. I did not, thank you very much. I withheld the jumping upward part.
It wasn’t until Saturday, August 12, when I started researching the meaning behind the symbols/signs I had encountered. That morning had brought another nightmare and a sad news from my home town: it had been hit by a tornado-like weather which had flattened the town’s old park (going back to the early 1800s) and left people without electricity and cellular reception. I couldn’t ignore the nudge to look closer at the events from Thursday. The Universe was clearly trying to tell me something so I decided to crack the code, including looking at the symbol I would prefer not to examine.
My research had brought some interesting messages: I was on the right path to see my dreams fulfilled with a great chance of leaving a legacy behind. But before that could happen, I need to shed my old skin and be prepared to transform beyond the self-imposed limitations. For as long as I stay in the present moment with a clear focus on the end result, I can achieve my goals.
Not bad, eh? So, how have I arrived at these conclusions? I have looked at the date, the meaning behind animals appearing on my path (butterfly, mouse, snake) and the purpose of experiencing nightmares. The resources that I had used and the thinking pattern will be outlined in more detail in a new post. Stay tuned for part 2!